Thursday, December 06, 2007

Independence Day

Today is Finland’s 90th Independence Day. It’s not exactly celebrated with fireworks and carnivals. It’s more of silent day in reverence to those who sacrificed their lives so we could be a country of our own. Mother Russia which we used to be a part of has never looked favourably upon loosing territory. So it all came down to who was prepared to pay the higher price in blood, sweat and tears. Yes I know we Finns take ourselves way too serious sometimes and this is the most serious day in Finland of the year.

So it’s a suitable weather for today. It’s dark and rainy. On the bright side the weather is really warm. Around 6-7 C so most of the snow is gone and the same goes for the ice sheet on the sea. Since the fortune tellers that call themselves meteorologists have predicted the same weather all day long I think there will be no snow or ice left tonight. The winter is beautiful but warm weather is nice too.

The reason I’m up this early on a day no one is working is that I’m working =). I’m doing my third morning shift out of four and waiting for the sunrise…

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