Saturday, July 02, 2016

Changing the header

You might remember me mentioning a website about blogging a few posts back. Anyway they have  a 31 day blogger challenge to get you started on your blog. And challenge one was basically change your blog description or elevator pitch as they call it.

Or create one if you didn't have a description. Well I tend to go with lengthy, wise and looong quotes. Half a page from some great mind of humanity is my blog description. Well that doesn't tell people what your blog is about and that might be problem for people who have never seen your blog before.

Your blog has a title in the header but also a blog description. And that description needs to tell your potential readers in a sentence or two what you blog is about and what makes it interesting for them to read.

So I got about four blogs that needed a relevant description what they are about. It took me a couple of days to figure out four descriptions for each one of my blogs. Well technically it's the same blog but in different language and blog portals. So they were custom fitted for each blog and I think it worked out rather well. Links to the right...

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Busy day

Well today was sort of a busy  day but we got everything done that we had scheduled to do =).

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

A pro blogger

As some of my readers may have noticed I've have had a bloggers block for the last few years or more truthfully most of this decade. Not that I think any of my readers are still around due to the not so frequent updates.

However I found this website or I actually fond their podcast first on how to improve you blogging. It's called ProBlogger and I'm truly impressed and inspired to start blogging more frequently again. With 8,000 blogging advice posts, over 100 podcast episodes, a community with over 300,000 bloggers, Facebook group (82,000 members), Twitter account (236,000 followers) and some other web sites, this got to be the Internet Bible of blogging. What you can't learn here you can't learn anywhere else.

I think I have some reading to do and some blogging =)

Friday, March 04, 2016

Web browsers

It's been a long time since I've written anything here but I thought I would say a few things about web browsers. First of all Chrome works better on Android phones than other browsers since they are both made by Google. For example the only web browser on your Android phone you can download pictures with is Chrome. According to Google they haven't disabled  that option for other browsers but some functions works better with Chrome. So on my phone I'm stuck with Chrome because I want to have the ability to download pictures.

Don't get me wrong Chrome for PC:s is a fast browser and very much integrated into Google. And you can easily sync your bookmarks, just log into Google in Chrome on any device and it's all there. So that's why I have been using Chrome on my laptop as the default browser.

However as a blogger who has the ambition to write blog posts in three different languages, the spellchecking function doesn't work that well. It underlines the words that are spelled wrong but doesn't give any suggestions. And for Finnish there's no spell checker at all, which is the language I definitely need to improve.

So I'm now using Firefox on my laptop...