Thursday, November 19, 2009

Changes that doesn't affect you

I have moved my Swedish and Finnish blogs away from Blogspot to a WordPress based blog and WordPress in that order. For the simple reason of generating more readers for those specific blogs and to evolve my blogging. Wordpress has high learning curve but if you spend a few days with it you will learn it and find it very rewarding. I mean some of the not so skilled bloggers in computers on the Wordpress based blog site which used to be a homebuilt blog site managed to make the transit within a week when they switched from homebuilt to WordPress. If they can do it, anyone can.

This blog however is going nowhere. I have my readers here =). I actually like Blogger more, for its user friendliness, its large user base, its popularity and that has something to offer evry blogger out there, novices and professionals alike.


  1. I have my work site on WordPress and have only scratched the surface of it's capabilities. I hope I can spend some time learning more about it to really make use of it!

    In the meantime, my personal (family) blog remains on Blogger, too. Funny that!

  2. There's a book called "Wordpress for dummies" which could be a good idea. I don't have it but I have bought "HTML for dummies" and "Visual Basic for dummies" which reminds me that the guy who borrowed the later never returned it. Anyway they where quite educational. As their names suggests they begin from scratch and take you to the more advanced levels with more and more advanced exercises...

  3. I was recommended by another blogger to try Wordpress and to get my own domain and host etc. But I've stuck with Blogger because as you say it is user friendly and easy for one of those 'dummies' like me to navigate. Plus it's completely free, another good incentive.

  4. I decided to keep them all...

  5. I'll read you on whichever site you want...just comment from that site. I think a lot of Blogger bloggers read Wordpress blogs too, as long as the comment form is set up so that we don't have to be members.

  6. I'm not abandoning Blogspot, I'll keep my Blog in English here, probably the one in Finnish too. However the Swedish one seem to have left for at least at the present time...
