Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sofa on the lawn

Tomorrow I'm going to do something that I've never done before. I'm going to take out the sofa and put it in the middle of the lawn and spray it down with the water hose. The pillows have removable covers so they will spend the day in the washing machine and in the tumble dryer. But the sofa in question is a large sectional sofa. There's no other way to wash it than to take it outside and use the garden house and some liquid pine soap. It should be environmentally safe, pine soap is used for washing carpets in the sea and spraying on apple trees against plant lice. Anyway after the washing is done it should dry in the sunlight and the wind.


  1. Well, that'll do it! No water will settle on the inside anywhere? That's what I'd be worried about...eventual mold.

  2. The sofa is open in the bottom so even if water gets inside it wont settle. I think whomever designed the sofa realized how it will be cleaned.

    I have a thick heavy rug that should be dry cleaned but again, I used the garden hose and pine soap. It was hanging outside in the middle of the warm summer and it took A WEEK to dry. But no mold.

    A stool belongs to the sofa in question and I have washed it in the shower cabin and had it dry in the sauna (without the heat on))and it has thicker material than the rest of the sofa and that dries within a day.

  3. Now that sort of sounds like a lot of fun, Dojle. I've seen people wash the car on their front lawn, but never a sofa.

  4. The thing is you could vacuum clean it, that takes most of the dirt out off it if it wasn't for our male dog that has left marks on the sofa in a couple of places...
