Monday, September 07, 2009

Reality check

I have noticed that fewer and fewer people at MySpace are actually blogging. Most of them have stopped blogging or moved to other dedicated blogging sites like this site. The socializing part well, that still the same apart for one thing, people have moved over to Facebook. Why it's like that one can argue over but I think that Facebook and Blogspot have developed in the right direction while MySpace has developed in the wrong direction. I'm not deserting MySpace but I can hear a subtle voice (in my head) everytime I logon to MySpace "Abandon Ship!, Abandon Ship!" and it grows stronger each time.


  1. It's not just blogging. In fact, if you search the 'net, you'll see all kinds of speculation over what MySpace did wrong. Their business model is being criticized...the fact that they decided to stick to promoting music artists and headed in that direction, rather than focused on social networking as Facebook did. I think what's happening to blogging is just a symptom of the bigger problem...which is that people are leaving MySpace and new people aren't joining.

  2. My son uses MySpace, he and his mates have aspirations to be DJ's one day, so I guess that suits him. I don't use Facebook, probably because I don't really understand it (okay have a laugh). I'm finding blogging is taking up enough time for me online as it is.

  3. Stephanie> Another reason why MySpace is failing is compability or in Myspace's case, the lack of it. MySpace tries to get their users to do everything trough MySpace. They got their own IM, messaging system... It's downright difficult or impossible to uses services from other providers trough MySpace. They have created an all or nothing website and people have begun to chose the "nothing" option.

    Rowe> For musicians and other people interested in music MySpace is great, but for the rest, it's not really that great anymore. I spent my first year on Facebook being annoyed. In the beginning Facebook was chaotic but they the new version is a lot better. But it's still can be chaotic if you say yes to everything. I'm a restless person, blogging is not enough =)
