Tuesday, September 01, 2009

I've probably seen the Google car again

Today when I drove to work in the afternoon I probably saw the Google car again. I can't actually swear it was the Google car because I didn't see what was written on the car and it was a red station wagon this time, not a white. But on the roof top of the car was the by now familiar octagonal camera rack. And it was another road than last time.


  1. They're all over the place over there! I've never seen one in Nashville but I guess there's not too much demand for street views of Nashville?

  2. My grandfather lived somewhere in the outskirts of Duluth, Minnesota and I've taken a virtual tour down that road where he lived and I think it was three or four houses and the rest was all woodland and it was a long road. They just haven't come to you neighborhood yet =).
