Friday, January 01, 2010

-15 °C

This is what you have to wear if you intend to work outside all day long in -15 °C. Due to various reason (mainly work) I haven't had the time to shovel all the snow off the yard that has fallen this week until today. This should work down to -20°C , -25 °C. After that I have a heavier jacket. When the temperature approaches -30 °C you are going to have to start taking breaks (inside). The colder it gets the longer and more often you have to take those breaks If you intend to work outside below -30 °C it has to be very necessary work, like a tree that has fallen over your driveway. If it's below -35 °C you are crazy. There are clothes that you can stay outside with in any temperature but they're difficult to work in, think spacesuit.

But I can tell you that you feel very alive after a day outside in this cold.


  1. After a brisk day *and* a refreshing sauna. :)

  2. The sauna was too full of stuff and I was too tired to even think about sauna =)

  3. I would probably not go outside at all in that kind of cold weather. I'm not good with extreme temperatures. We get extreme heat in Australia more than extreme cold. The heat does not make me feel alive, it's energy draining, so maybe cold is better?

  4. In order to keep your body temperature at the correct temperature which your body needs to function correctly your metabolism slows down at high temperatures and makes you tired so that you don't mover around that much and subsequently overheat. In cold temperatures it's the opposite. Your metabolism speeds up to maintain you body temperature and keeps you very awake in order to keep you busy...
