Sunday, August 02, 2009


I came to work tonight and the TV was on. As I sat down and started doing the things I do when I arrive at work I heard a TV show starting. It's called Being Human and what I later found out was episode 5. I heard the intro and I thought it was brilliant. It's a bit sad but a very honest and accurate description of a human love life. Here it comes:

“We meet people and fall in love and when we part they leave marks for us to remember them by. Our lovers sculpt us. They define us, for better or worse. Like a pinball, we slam into them and rebound in a different direction, propelled by the contact. And after the parting, we might be scared. But stronger. Or more fragile, or needy, or angry, or guilty. It’s never unchanged. Our lovers linger inside us like ghosts… haunting the corridors and deserted rooms. Sometimes whispering. Sometimes screaming. Invisible, but… always there. Waiting”.

However wrote the script to this episode should seriously consider becoming a poet or a novelist if she/he is not that allready because that is really good...


  1. I firmly believe WE make that choice and I try my hardest to let those past loves strengthen me and make me better at relationships, not more wounded. It's not easy but I try.

  2. I think there is a time for healing when we feel wounded and in the end that will make us stronger and better. But the scar tissue is difficult to avoid and that never goes away even if we become stronger. However it's a lesson learned...
