Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Join the Facebook revolution

There are things I do not like about Facebook, the new Internet revolution. I like order and on occasions I like chaos when I can bring order into it. However Facebook is uncontrollable chaos. Application upon application is sent to you by your friends and you do not know what to do with them. However recently I have tried to put the applications I tend to keep in some sort of order on my Facebook profile. And new applications that are sent to me are tried out and either kept for a longer tryout or deleted. So I have brought order into chaos or it’s more of me mastering chaos because there will never be order in the Facebook universe.

But then there are things that seem have a strange attraction on me. The messages, the superpokes, the vampires and all the other things on Facebook is simply good old fun. And I’m slowly beginning to see the charm of it all and I think I like it =).

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