Sunday, October 28, 2007


I have now figured out how my broken camera works. When I take a picture it focuses on the closest thing within the picture frame. Lets say I'm taking a picture of a person. Well the person stands on a floor. So the camera focuses on the floor that is in front of the person and in the lowest part of the picture frame. The person in the picture becomes blurry. This means I can take pictures with my camera, but there can't be ANYTHING inside the picture frame between the camera and the object which I'm picturing.


  1. You can have your focus reset. The same thing happened to mine and I took it to the local camera shop and they fixed it in less than a minute! Hope yours can be fixed too!
    (I am Kristin's sister!)

  2. I would never have thought of that. But that sounds like a good idea. Then there are the cracks in the display that appeared after the same drop that caused the displacement of the focus. I should probably by a new camera but until then I might try the having the focus reset…

    I know Kristin’s sisters and friends comment her blog but I wasn’t sure to which “group” you belonged to =).

  3. So......did you buy a new camera?!?!? DO IT.....we want pictures!!! ;-)
