Sunday, April 01, 2007

Back to normal

I’ve been dwelling on the question about what to write this morning. I realized that I was not in my English mood. Since I’m writing my blog mainly in English nowadays I need to think in English. Earlier I wrote my blog in Swedish first and then I wrote it in English, Sounds great, hey?

The problem is that it becomes a translation work. I’ve also tried the other way around, first English then Swedish. Since Swedish is my mother tongue I can really notice that my Swedish post is in Swenglish (Swedish vocabulary, English grammar) at those occasions. I can only imagine what my English looks like after a translation from Swedish.

But let’s go back to my English mood. What I mean is that every language has its own tune, its own beat. And if you want it to sound right you have to follow that beat, otherwise you are lost between the English vocabulary and the Swedish rules of grammar. I probably am a bit but I don’t think it’s that bad.

Anyway I’m doing my morning shift today as I’m supposed too. Back to normal.


  1. Boris, I haven't noticed any big English grammar or comprehension problems! You are doing so amazingly well with your blog in English!!!!
