Sunday, April 22, 2007

Cleaning the sofa

I bought a sofa in the fall of 2005. This weekend we cleaned it. Everything that could be fit in the washing machine has been washed. Everything that could be removed but did not fit into to the washing machine has spent the night on the balcony. The rest was sprayed with some furniture cleaner spray and later vacuum cleaned. The only problem now is that the dogs (who mess up the most) seem to think that we did it for them and are reluctant to leave the sofa.


  1. That's funny...dogs are a funny kind of "people"!!!

    We just bought a new travel trailer and hope to go camping in the next few weeks. The weather is not very predicatable, Shawn doesn't want to go camping if it is raining. I just can't wait to go and don't worry about the weather!

  2. They know how to enjoy things. Just like we enjoy when things are clean or something else, so do they.

    Well we will likely go camping in the beginning of August, probably to Norway, like we haven't been there before ;-p. But seriously, that will be only a small part of our camping trip =). Raining works fine, it means that there are no mosquitoes =)

  3. I HATE mosquitoes!!!!! The trailer has a super-big awning, so even if it rains we could sit outside..... I'm trying to convince him to go within the next 7 days..... even just TWO nights!!! Wish me luck! :-)
