Friday, August 27, 2010

Barefoot or why I'm not allowed in the kitchen

Right now I'm at work without shoes or socks. I'm barefooted and there's a good reason why I am. I think it was on Monday (but it could have been Sunday too) that we had some sticky leftovers in a pan and I decided to boil some water in it to get the rid of the sticky leftovers before I put it in the dishwasher. The sticky leftovers were soon seen floating in the boiling water. I turned off the kitchen stove and waited until the water had stopped boiling.

I then proceeded to pour out the hot water in the kitchen sink ( I always turn on the cold water tap when I do that, just in case). Unfortunately the pan was sort of full of hot water and I dropped some of my left big toe and it was hot enough to give me a singe. Let's just say that it's easier to use shoes and socks as little as possible right now. But I should be able to walk normally with shoes and socks next week.