Saturday, December 19, 2009

Watch out

I'm doing my first night shift out of four and it's around 4.00. I'm usually not that active this time of the night but I'm sort of experiencing the aftermath of a really cold Thursday. That means that I need to keep an eye or two on things. Anyway this is the time of the night when I have been known to write a bit to honest blog posts. Some scientist claim that being really tired is equivalent of being drunk. I believe them.

I know what I could write about =). But I'm not ;-P. I get to go home and get some sleep in three hours from now.


  1. I worked 7pm-7am a few nights ago ... getting drunk would be way more fun that getting tired I think!

    I work night dispatch for a snow removal company and luckily Shawn works from home if there's enough snow.

  2. You get the luxury of not having a hangover =)

  3. Hang in there. Those shifts suck!
